
We Love Providing the Highest Quality Products!

Let's Face It...

Every now and then you just want to smoke “a good one”. However, unless you are a master roller, you will likely get a one that is inconsistent. Whether it’s a bad grind, poor packing, a bad draw, or the dreaded “runner”, your left disappointed and frustrated but… WE GOT YOU!

Highest Quality Components

Because we’ve been there ourselves, NAF takes immense pride in our pre-roll production. By using the highest quality components, giving you the choice of your preferred strain and grind (coarse, medium, or fine), and our over-the top quality control, we ensure you have the best experience possible.

Why Settle For Everyday Pre-Rolls?

NAF takes pride in our ability to manufacture the highest quality artisanal and craft pre-roll. Whether dusted with kief or “touched up” with concentrates, our pre-roll masters can manufacture to your specifications.